Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Fieldtrip Chaperones, Needed 5 Coffee Cans, Animal Research Has Begun

Butterfly Garden Chaperones

Thank you ALL for volunteering to go to the MSU Butterfly Gardens with our class.  The four volunteers who were chosen to go with us are...


Please know that we will need a few more chaperones when we go on our final field trip to the one room schoolhouse!  More info coming after our butterfly field trip!

If you were chosen please send in $2.00 for the trip.  Be sure to bring a bag and be at school by 9:00 on the day of the trip!  More info will come to you soon.  

Old Large Tin Cans

We are in need of Large Tin Cans...
the kind coffee used to come in! 

 We use them for lunches on our one room school house field-trip, but are short FIVE!  If you have any you would like to donate to first grade please send them in with your child! 


Research Sites

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