Thursday, May 18, 2017

Magazine Delivery, Writing and themes

Magazine Delivery

We have the first of many magazines delivered to waiting rooms.  Here is Dawn Victor, unit manager of dermatology at U of M accepting a magazine for her offices.  She also was distributing magazines to other offices at the Taubman Center. We have given magazines to Mr. Moore to place in our main office as well as one to give to HPS Central Office for children to read while waiting.  If you have an appointment this week with your child let me know and I will get you a copy to deliver to your office!

Reading and Writing About Themes

Today we connected our writing and our reading through themes.  We read the story I Wish I Were a Butterfly by James Howe.
click on the cover to hear the story

We then wrote about the theme (lesson the author was trying to teach us).  It was a challenging activity for some of the children.  Many of them wanted to tell his or her favorite part of the story.  Because the theme is not explicitly given in a story (it has to be inferred) it is harder for students.  We will continue to work on this!  Please talk with your child about themes as you read a story to your child (or they read to you).
Your partner in education,

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