Thursday, December 8, 2016

Doubles in Math to Grow Our "Fact Power"

Fact Power Practice

Today in math we talked about how we can practice our doubles facts to grow our brain for "fact power".  This is an example of using a strategy we know.

This is another term we use for having quick recall of addition and subtraction facts.  We played a game today called Roll and Record Doubles.  The children have 1 die.  They roll it and double the number of dots (double it). The first number to reach the top was the double "winner".

click on the photo for a doubles song

We then took the data from this game and applied it to our graph making lesson from yesterday and tallied the winning number from each child.  The double that came up the most often for our class was... 5+5=10!

It was a fun day for our double fact practice in 1st grade!

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Your partner in education,

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