Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Kind Kids Club in Conjunction with Mrs. Hengesbaugh's High School Early Childhood Careers and Exploring Education Careers Class

Working Together For Kindness

Today the first graders had an amazing experience raising funds for the Make A Wish Foundation of Michigan through the Macy's write a letter to Santa campaign.  The students had to write a letter describing how they have been helpful and kind to others this year.  Our class raised $58 for the Make A Wish Foundation of Michigan.
Please click on the image to see 1 example of a child's wish

Here are the high school students helping the 1st graders with their letters.

We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful collaborative spirit here in Howell Public Schools.  A big thank you to the high school students and Mrs. Hengesbaugh!!!!

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me!
Your partner in education,

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