Thursday, December 1, 2016

PBL Update- Biographies and Interviews

PBL Update

We are in full swing of our project based learning interviews.  We hope to have all interviews complete by Friday!  This week we have been learning about how biographies are written.  We have been practicing sorting facts from interviews into different category headings using a web.  We have focused on sorting sentences using a web by: job, family, self and students using the teacher I have been using as a model for our project, Mrs. Burch.  
Next week the children will choose heading and sort their interview sentences with their research buddy.  

Since the children are all interviewing at different dates and times we as a whole class have been using the mentor text, Snowflake Bentley. This also ties into our science study of weather and this week we have been focusing on the season of winter and the severe weather, blizzards.

Please click on the image to hear the biography about the fascinating Snowflake Man

Here are some of the actual photos Snowflake Bentley took - just beautiful!

We also used Snowflake Bentley and tied him into our growth mindset work!  We especially took time to discuss that he took lots of time and effort and I'll keep trying.
The children have been working hard and learning lots this week!

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me!
Your partner in education,

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