Thursday, February 23, 2017

5 Components of Reading Focus on Comprehension, Unit 6 Math Assessment

Comprehension Using a Graphic Organizer (G.O. Map)

There has been much research done to linking learning to what is already known.  Since the children have been learning and using the 5 components of reading all year I am starting to extend their reading homework to include a written piece on occasion.  Tonight some groups will be bringing home a graphic organizer to aide in retelling a story.  This is called a G.O. Map for short.  

This is using the idea that the brain will see:

a triangle and think 3 (character, setting, problem)

a rectangle and associate 4 (first, next, then, last)

a circle and associate with coming around again to solve the problem

We will continue to work on the higher level thinking of feeling, connections, and theme in class.

Math Assessment

Today the children took the Unit 6 math assessment.  These will come home tomorrow.  If your child has any items that are incorrect they may fix those mistakes for 1/2 credit.  If you are in need of any reference please use the EDM (Every Day Math) online site for help.  (A direct link can be found on the right hand side of the blog).

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.  

Your partner in education,

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