Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Sequencing (transitional words) in Writing -M2 Mighty Middle

M2 - Mighty Middle in Writing

In writing this week we have been continuing our work on our character stories.  We have been focusing on a mighty middle - a middle of the piece that stays on the main topic and moves through time.  One way we have been implementing this in class is through re-reading familiar texts and sequencing them.

The 2 stories we have worked on have focused on moving through time using the days of the week.

Click on the book cover to listen to this story

Click on the book cover to listen to Eric Carle read this classic!

Both of these books demonstrate how the middle of a story has a plot that moves through time.  We will continue to learn about transitional words and how authors use these words in their books.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.
Your partner in education,

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