Thursday, April 6, 2017

MSU Butterfly Garden Fieldtrip

MSU Butterfly Garden Fieldtrip Permission Slip

A paper copy is being sent home today in your child's "piece of Gold".  
butterfly colored.JPG
click on the butterfly to see a video about the garden

On Friday, April 28th the first grade classes will be going to the MSU Butterfly Gardens.  If the weather is nice, we will eat our sack lunches on the lawn at MSU.  If it is raining, we will eat our sack lunches in a classroom at MSU before we leave for Hutchings. The cost of this field trip will be $6.00  Please fill out the permission slip below and send it to school NO LATER than Monday, April 10th!
Please send a sack lunch with your child that day!  All items sent in your child’s lunch will be thrown away after lunch so thank you in advance for packing all food items in plastic bags rather than plastic containers.
We will be leaving for the gardens at 9:15 a.m.
We will leave MSU around 12:30p.m. and will return to school to work for the remainder of the day!
If you would like to chaperone this field trip, please send back the bottom portion of this paper by Monday, April 10th.
Please note:  Chaperones will have to pay $2.00 plus the parking fee (if you choose to drive to the gardens).  The charge for parking is $0.25 for ten minutes. There is a $1.50 minimum for credit card charges.  All major credit cards accepted.
CHAPERONES:  If you are chosen to chaperone please bring a backpack or something of that sort to carry your student’s lunches.  You will be responsible for approximately 7-8 students.

I give my child ___________________ permission to attend the MSU Butterfly Garden Field Trip on Friday April 28th.
____  I have enclosed $6.00 for my child to attend this class trip.  Please make checks payable to Hutchings Elementary.
Signed: ________________________   Print Name: _______________________
_____ Yes, I would like to chaperone.  I have filled out all of the necessary paperwork and will pay $2.00 if chosen!
*If you have not filled out the criminal history form, there are forms available in the main office.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me!
Your partner in education,

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