Monday, April 3, 2017

Science Day, Science Alive and Math

Matter Chatter

Friday is SCIENCE DAY at school  the children will work all week and learn about MATTER!  They will experiment and learn how matter can change from a liquid to a solid.  They will learn the SCIENTIFIC METHOD and have a blast!  During science day the children will be sharing their findings with children from other grade levels!

Solid, Liquid and Gas Song

Scientific Method Song

Science Day

This Friday all of the students at Hutchings will be partaking in "Science Day"!  This is an opportunity for the students to complete the scientific method. 

Steps Of the Scientific Method
Make an observation
Ask a Question
Make a Hypothesis Based on Research
Conduct Your Experiment
Draw Conclusions / Analyze Data
Report Your Results

 The first grade students will be presenting our finding on What Makes Butter?  
This is a culminating activity using the knowledge we have gained throughout our current science unit of study: Sorting Things Out.  We will be observing butter and describing it using our 5 senses. We will then be using our observations to ask the question what makes butter?  We will then be using the following materials to see if we can make butter (change matter from a liquid to a solid):
vegetable oil
skim milk
lemon juice
heavy cream

This is a week long project and will culminate when the children present to other grade levels during our Target Time on Friday.

Science Alive!

Science Alive! traveling fieldtrip will be at Hutchings Wednesday and Thursday of this week.  Our class will get the chance to see different types of animals on Thursday!  I will be ready with my camera to capture the excitement.  


This week we are not beginning Unit 8.  This will start next Monday.  Instead, your child will be bringing home an addition and subtraction fact practice sheet for homework.  Please try to time your child and see how long it takes him or her to complete the whole sheet.  The goal is to have all problems complete in 3 minutes and 30 seconds.  I appreciate all of your hard work and reinforcement of the skills we have been learning and practicing in class.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me!
Your partner in education,

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