Friday, May 5, 2017

Persuasive and Opinion Writing, Math Assessment, Bike To School

Fidgit Spinners- Opinions

Fidgit spinners are a hot topic around school these days.  In our class we have a  break bucket that children are allowed to use when they feel the need.  So in our class fidgit spinners have not been an issue.  I did ask the kids if they have them to use them at home since there is no break bucket there:) 

Our next unit of writing is focusing on opinion, and persuasive writing.  I asked the children if they thought fidgit spinners should be allowed in classrooms.  We discussed that in an opinion we need to "back it up" or support our opinion telling why. 

We went back to our student talk and used the sentence starter: "I think_______ because_________."
As you can clearly see the majority of the class thinks that fidgit spinners should be allowed in class.

Today we continued with our persuasive writing lessons using The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs! by Jon Scieska. In this story the Wolf is not so big and bad. The wolf is trying to persuade the children to see the tale from a different point of view.  Here are a few of the works as the children were working on them.  We used a visible thinking strategy of "I Used to Think... Now I Think..."  Your child will bring this home tonight:)

Please Click on the above image to hear the story

Math Assessment

Your child will be bringing home his or her math assessment.  Please remember that he or she can fix mistakes for 1/2 credit.

Bike to School

          Dear Hutchings Families,

           As some of you may know, for the last few years we have participated in the National Ride Your Bike to School event.            We will be participating again this year for the 6th year in a row!  The event will be held on Wednesday, May 10th, 2017.            We have lost the last few years, however, our first year we actually won by one bike!  This year should be even more                     exciting!  This is a fun event for the children and parents to participate in, however, as always the safety of everyone                    participating is our first concern. 
        Some quick facts about the event:

*     This is not a Hutchings/Howell Public Schools sponsored event. 

*        This event is open to EVERYONE!!!  Obviously, Hutchings students do not normally ride to school; as such we have set up a meeting location (you are welcome to ride from where ever, we just want to invite as many people to participate as                       possible). 

        Please arrive at the Hidden Creek pool-house parking lot (1400 Callaway Court) by 805am with the plan to leave at                       815am.  There will be parents driving from the pool house; they will be able to transport backpacks for the riders.  (Due                 to the bridge being under construction, we will not be meeting at the Hickory Hills location.)  L               

               The Livingston County Sheriff’s Department will assist the bikers.        

*            The Howell Parks and Recreation Department will be at the school around 825-830am to count the bikes.  They count              the bikes at each school; whoever has the most bikes wins!  Every bike counts!  J 
              Once the bikes have been counted, you can load it up and bring it home.  If you can’t move it right away, the school                cannot accept responsibility for any bikes.  We will assist anyone in transporting bikes home; please don’t let that hold              you back from participating. 

*                If your child is participating without you; you MUST have an adult who is participating in the event accept                                  responsibility for your child. 

*                This is a wonderful opportunity to talk about bike safety: Helmets save lives!  Please have your child wear a bike                          helmet. 

*              Once we get to the school we are going to meet at the soccer fields.  There is NO parking allowed on the drive/road:  v             please park in the parking lot.  The buses and normal drop off traffic needs to be able to move through the parking                  lot without interruption. 

                   We will walk into school as a group so we can escort the students through the parking lot (on the sidewalk). 

*              Remember, this event is open to EVERYONE!!!  We simply picked a location that provided a short, safe ride to our                     school.  Please help us continue this fun Hutchings tradition! 

*                  If you are able to help out – please contact Tim Horvath at 734.231.4299 or  Feel free to                         contact him with any questions or concerns.    
                                  Rain date is May 17, 2017.  If the weather looks questionable, check social media for updates.  
Your partner in education,

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