Friday, September 9, 2016

First Week, Open House and...THANK YOU!

What a wonderful first week we have had. We have been learning about each other and making new friends. This is a kind, welcoming group of students and I truly feel blessed to be able to guide them through their first grade year. Here are some items from our week:

Coming Soon ... Little Free Library

The Little Free Library is opening on our
school playground starting Monday! Click on the link to see a short video about this special PBL (Project Based Learning) from Hutchings:

Little Free Library Rules

How exciting.

Finding Our Way Around Hutchings ... Where's Waldo???

We went on a hunt for WALDO around the school!  We looked all over and found him in the library, office, computer lab, art room, music room, bathroom, cafeteria and recess and bus doors.  The children did an amazing job! We had a lot of fun learning and reviewing where the different places in our school are.

Using Kind Words

We used a text this week called Chrysanthemum.  The children learned that unkind words can hurt.  Even if you say sorry; the words have already hurt.  We read Chrysanthemum and each time someone said something unkind to her we wrinkled the heart.  By the end of the story though Chrysanthemum felt better; the crumpled heart was still wrinkled (as hard as we tried to make it nice and did not work).

Thank you for the wonderful week of learning we have had!  We will continue to work on building our classroom community next week.  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me!

Your partner in education,

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