Friday, September 23, 2016

Writing - "Cupcakes" and Math - Data and Tallies

Happy Friday!
We have been busy this week working on our writing! We have been zoning in on our handwriting letter placement, pencil grip and applying these skills in Writers Workshop.  During Writers Workshop we have been busy acting out verbs.  Yesterday we used a ball to show what we can "do": throw, catch, dribble, putt... we then decided that what we can "show or do" is a verb.

We went over how writing is scored.  This is the model I use for scoring:

I explained to the children that if I were to go into a bakery and place an order for a birthday cupcake I would explain that I loved the color pink and sprinkles.  This is what my expectation is.

Level 3: everything that is expected Full points (a cupcake has frosting and sprinkles)
Level 2 : some of what is expected (would be a cupcake with frosting but no sprinkles)
Level 1: not what is expected on their own, needing me one to one to do any writing (cupcake only)
Level 0: no evidence

Level 4: goes above and beyond 1st grade expectations (cupcake has perfectly placed sprinkles, even a candle was included even though it was not ordered)

The children really connect with the concrete cupcakes because it is something they can relate to.

In math this week we have continued our number study and have worked on data collection and using tallies to count.
Please click on the picture to watch a short video

Nightly math homelinks (homework) have begun to come home.  They will come home Monday - Thursday.  There will be no weekend homework.  I do check these over to see if parents have made any comments and then the score is inputted into Powerschool.

You can always check your child's most up to date progress on Powerschool.  If you need the user name or password you will need to contact the main office.

Enjoy your weekend! If you have any questions please so not hesitate to contact me!
Your partner in education,

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