Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Our Next PBL (Project Based Learning) is here!

Animal Magazines / PBL Writing

Our class is beginning our final writing project of the year.  We will be creating a magazine that will be delivered to local dentists and or doctors for their waiting rooms.  We have found that a lot of children love to read magazines but when they arrive at an appointment the main magazines are for adults ...so we are going to solve that problem! 
We have been learning about a specific magazine author, Sara Goudarzi. We are reading non fiction books about Sara and taking notes about what she does.  We are learning from an expert!  

The children are also looking through magazine to see the different text features in them.  Please ask your child what animal he or she may be interested in researching!

When we return from spring break we will be reading and learning about different animal habitats and then the children will choose the animal he or she would like to research.


You may have noticed that the content / focus of reading groups is non fiction.  We are incorporating our project based learning across the curriculum.  We will be focusing on life science in the 4th quarter for science as well.


The children will be taking a math assessment today.  They will come home tomorrow.  If your child misses any questions he or she may fix the problem and return for half credit.  Many of the concepts that are covered in this assessment are new.  If your child is correcting his or his assessment please return it by Friday, March 24th.  

Next week is spring break! Please enjoy the wonderful time with your children.

Your partner in education,

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