Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Fractions, Fine Arts Festival


Please click on the book cover above to hear the story

Click on the image above to see a video

Fine Arts Festival

Tomorrow evening is the fine arts festival.  Please have your child (dressed in a yellow top) meet in the classroom at 5:45.  We will leave the classroom at 5:55 to be on stage promptly at 6:00.  After you have dropped your child off please head to get cafeteria to get a seat!  After the performance the children will wait in front of his or her locker to get picked up.  It is very crowded so if you could send just 1 family member to pick up your child that would be wonderful!  
After the singing program the art work that your child has is hanging upstairs!  You will need to walk into the 5th grade hallway to fine his our her beautiful work. 

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me or Mrs. Shultz.
Your partner in education,

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