Wednesday, April 19, 2017

PBL Update:Animal Magazine Articles, Our Classroom Habitat

PBL Update

Our class has finished the research phase of their project.  We began our drafts today focusing on our B2 - Brilliant Beginning.  The children have been learning about how beginnings and endings can:

  • sound similar to each other 
  • answer a question from each other
  • use a mental image and return back to that mental image 
We will be using the models of good writing and applying these same techniques to our articles.  Tomorrow we will draft our endings and compare them to make sure that they align together.

We will then draft our M2 - Mighty Middles.  We will be sure to group information together into headings (just like we have been learning about).

I will be asking for your help at home when it comes time to publish the articles (more info to follow).

Our Classroom Habitat

Today we received the plants for our classroom habitat.  The children were so excited and spent time this afternoon looking for worms, and insects for our habitat.   We will be suing this habitat to get an up close look at what animals need to survive and how the act.
Here is our classroom habitat

Look closely to see the centipede

The worm and the centipede

The worm burrowing down into the soil

The children are welcome to bring in any insects from home if they would like!  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Your partner in education,

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