Thursday, October 6, 2016

Pumpkins, Adding to 10, Reading, Next Week and Mary Poppins - Whew!

Pumpkins, Pumpkins, Pumpkins

We have been busy creating pumpkins for our class pumpkin patch.  We have researched different pumpkins and their uses. We specifically looked at the color shape and size (adjectives) of different pumpkins. Please check out this video about the pumpkins used for pumpkin pie!
Click on the photo

Adding to 10 in many ways

This week we have been busy learning many different games and tools to help us add to 10.  Another tern for this is Complements of 10.  We have used penny fist addition, penny plate addition, the 10's frame and we will continue with our rainbow facts to 10 tomorrow.  We will continue to learn about the 11 ways to build 10.  This is the foundation for our "Fact Power" or quick recall of addition and subtraction facts.

Click on the photo above to hear a song about rainbow facts


Yesterday I was able to meet with many students one on one to determine their most current level of reading.  I do teach all 5 components and depending on where each child is reading determines which components I am looking at.  If you did not receive a reading progress report for your child yesterday have no fear!  I will finish seeing all students on Tuesday.  If you have any questions at all please never hesitate to contact me!  

Needed for next week - Family Photos!

Here is the most recent family photo I have (the Star Wars characters are not family members hehe)

I am in need of your child to bring in a family photo.  We will be creating booklets about our family members.  These booklets will help reinforce our learning of a thesis statement (introduction sentence) and a few supporting sentences (descriptive attributes) about each family member.  The photo does not need to be printed on photo paper it can just be a paper copy of a photo.  It will be used to help the children with their ideas for each family member.

Don't Forget Hutchings PTO Movie Night is Tomorrow Night at 7:00 PM!  The movie being shown is Mary Poppins.

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