Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Turn Around Facts, Reading


Yesterday we learned about Turn-Around Facts in math.  Turn around facts can only work with addition!  We learned a new vocabulary word too- addend.  Check out this video that goes along with this concept:

Click on the picture to listen to the turn around fact song!

We will continue to learn about different strategies for adding and subtracting in 10.  The game today will be penny fist addition and tomorrow and Thursday we will be learning about the Rainbow to 10.


Baggie books are now coming home each night Monday - Thursday.  If you have any questions or comments please feel free to write them on your child's parent sheet.  This is a great form of communication on your child's nightly reading.  There will be no weekend homework.  

Tomorrow I will be out of the classroom (but in the building) to read one on one with students.  Please look for a reading progress report to come home in your child's piece of gold Friday.
5 Reading Components Information
    I wanted to let you know a little bit about the reading program that your child will be embarking on this year.  I will cover the 5 components of reading with your child.  These components are:

1. Phonemic awareness- this is the understanding that words are made up of sounds. An example is the first sound in cat is /k/.  Written words are not needed for this stage or reading. A rule of thumb is: if you can do it with your eyes closed it is phonemic awareness.

2. Phonics – letter sound relationship when looking at printed words. This is the decoding stage of reading.

3. Fluency – the ability to read with expression.  It sounds like you are talking with a friend. 

4. Vocabulary- acquisition of new words meanings.  This will involve learning strategies to tackle these new words.

5. Comprehension- the ability to remember what has been read and connect with and apply the text.  Some common terms I will teach with this are: text-to-text, text-to-self, text-to-world.

The books that your child will be bringing home are being specifically chosen to work on one or more of these 5 areas of reading. 

You may get a book home and think: “This book is too easy for my child.”  The reason behind the book may be that I am needing to work on the fluency piece with your child.  Some children are fantastic decoders but are not able to comprehend what has been read.  I am asking for your help.  Please talk with your child after the book is read. Ask him or her what was his or her favorite part and why. 

I want you to know that I am truly a partner with you in your child’s education.  If you have questions or are wondering about what I am working on with your child, please do not hesitate to ask.  

Thank you for all of your support!

Your partner in education,

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