Monday, January 9, 2017

Buddy Typing, and Place Value Using Dimes and Pennies (Tens and Ones)

Biography Posters with 4th Grade Buddies 

Today during our technology time the children got to work with a 4th grade buddy! The children had their final written copy of the interview biography piece they have been working on.  The first graders then read it to a 4th grader in Mrs. Urban's class.  The 4th graders then typed the piece.  We will be publishing our posters very soon.  This has been an exciting project for the students! Thank you so much to Mr. Martin and Mrs. Urban for collaborating with us!

Place Value

Today in math we practiced applying the knowledge that we learned last week about the tens and ones place.  Last week we practiced using digits, then longs and cubes to build numbers.  Today we extended to dimes and pennies.

Click on the image below for a cute catchy song

Your partner in education,

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