Thursday, January 12, 2017

NWEA, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Empty Paper Towel Rolls Needed

NWEA - MAP (Measure of Academic Progress)

This week the children have completed the NWEA.  Included in their report card will be a parent report for you to read through.  This is the same format that I went through with you at conferences.  This is a growth measure tool; it is only 1 measure and this does not determine success or failure for a child.  This is just one piece of data that helps me to see when I can strengthen my teaching practices with the children.  If you have any questions about the report when it comes home in the report card please do not hesitate to contact me. 

This is a sample of what the report will look like

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Tomorrow we will be studying all about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  Please see below for a few of the resources we will be using.
Click on the picture above for a great
 Reading Rainbow teaching about MLK Jr.!

Click above for a great MLK Jr. book!

Click above for a movie called MY FRIEND MARTIN!

Number Scrolls

Today in math we began our number scrolls.  This is a year long contest to see how far we can go in our number writing.  If you have any empty paper towel rolls that you would be willing to donate for the remainder of the year I will gladly accept them.

Just a reminder that there is no school Monday, January 16th.  Enjoy the long weekend!
Your partner in education,

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