Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Writing, Math, Science


Now that we have completed our PBL project we have been focusing on specificity (using details in our writing).    These are 2 texts that we have been using to show using many details to support a main idea.

Main idea: Bad Day
Click on the book covet to hear the story

Main idea: Bravery 
Click on the book cover to hear the story

We are also searching through texts to see evidence of the types of beginnings we learned about last week (to hook our reader):
1.  Questions
2.  Onomatopoeia (sound words)
3.  Paint a picture (mental image)
4.  State the main idea


We are continuing to build our "Fact Power" (growing our brains in our quick recall of +,- facts.  The strategy we are building upon is our doubles facts.  We are working on problems that are close to doubles.  So if we know 5+5=10 and 6+6=12 we can use that to solve 5+6= _____.

click below to hear the double song

Today we learned about NEAR DOUBLES or DOUBLES +1!
Click below to learn more about these facts


We are continuing to sort objects in our class by attributes.  This week we are looking at rough/ smooth and flexible / rigid materials.  The children are enjoying sorting the objects in the sorting bags based on these attributes.

click on the image above for a song about textures

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Your partner in education,

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